Thursday, September 16, 2010

Lack Luster.

I remember the days when i wrote down quotes and tried to live by them. The days when life had that extra ''something''. I was bright eyed and I was unscathed. The days before any hearts got broken,  before love had been even introduced formally when it was just an idea and i was in love with it. Everything meant something to me back then. Consequently I was much closer to God in those days.
But slowly, I  "grew up". I taught myself  to stay unaffected by songs and the quotes and the books and the dreams. I was growing "stronger" and I was doing a great job of it too. No longer would I be bothered with silly whims, I was better than that now. No longer would I pine after the things that used to cause riots and rapture within me. No longer would li acknowledge the the extra "something"

No longer would I find it easy to just believe in things unseen.
No longer would I be moved to tears by the Holy Spirit.
No longer would I keep my faith in people. Or anything.
It was easy to get here. But its going to be hard going back.

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